Home » Simple Guide to know about PHP Language

Simple Guide to know about PHP Language

by ideaschedule
PHP Developer


It is an open source, the acronym doesn’t match with the full form of its hypertext preprocessor, it is scripting language used to create web applications. Being an open source, it allows people to learn and see what others do on the source and can learn things. HTML is done on the user’s web page whereas PHP is done on the server before the website, PHP can be used along with HTML to create versatile and more advanced websites. It is usually used for creating web servers, it runs on browsers but can also run on common lines.


PHP is the go-to language for many web servers, it is in use for 15 years now. Few benefits of PHP are listed below:

  • Cross-platform- PHP can run on any OS it doesn’t need any particular OS
  • Open source- PHP is an open source, the codes on the source are available to everyone, which makes its server popular.
  • Easy to learn- With programming knowledge one can learn PHP very easily and quick
  • PHP syncs with all Databases- you can easily try and connect you PHP server to all the available databases
  • Supportive community- The official documentation on the server guides the beginners how to use PHP and can solve your problem.
  • Scalability – With increase in traffic on the website, the website should be capable enough to handle the traffic. The websites made from PHP can be extended by adding more servers to it.
  • High speed- Due to using its own memory PHP reduces its load time, even the processing time is faster which is beneficial for both the creator and user.
  • Security- Security of your website is totally dependent on the developer and the maker of the website, as everything on the open source is vulnerable.
  • Custom development – PHP is not limited to its server, you can add web platforms and create efficient and good-looking websites.



FACEBOOK uses PHP as a power site for its own server.


Wikipedia being the one of the world’s largest information website was built on PHP server


The biggest content management system WordPress is built on PHP


Many web hosting platforms such as BLUEHOST, WHOGHOST are built on PHP


It takes less time to load in a PHP website than other web servers, with constant updates and new challenges PHP adapts every coming update giving the user one less thing to worry over. PHP is supported by every operating system and it can be integrated with any other application easily, being an open source PHP works as a library with free access to information creating a community. It has existed for 21 years which gave developers enough time to organize and develop the app more organized. 

You can join institutes that teaches PHP language or Search PHP Course Institute in Vadodara or find nearby you PHP Course classes. With PHP being free it allows anyone and everyone to use it, with its inbuilt database it helps connect all the databases securing the communication. PHP has automated codes which help the creator/user to create websites easily. Its compatibility is one of the main elements of PHP.


PHP developers have many job opportunities due to the increase in demand of websites in our world. The website owner will always need a PHP developer to run their website smoothly.

  • Command-line scripting – It helps the user to get the right HTML when the browse anything on the browser or server

  • Server-side scripting – These scripters provide custom solutions to customers’ problems. They can show their total expertise here.

  • Database Concept – Database collector collects data and information.  The developer needs to know everything about integration with Database to connect PHP with it.

  • Web development Career- Web designer, web architects, they can create the website, monitor the details on the website, add new features through HTML.

  • Computer programming – With PHP training the developer learns many computer languages which can help them to debug, troubleshoot efficiently.

  • Compiler-based jobs- If you know languages other than pho you can work as a compiler who can merge two application

  •  Desktop application management- The developer knows the client-side scripting which can help them to solve the queries


  • Should know about OOPS and API integration
  • Should have a knowledge about Linux OS, Zend framework, and such
  • Should be certified MySQL
  • Should be skilled MVC, HTML, XML and such
  • Should be aware of PHP framework
  • Should be familiar with other languages


Right from the time it was introduced PHP was adapted easily, no matter the size of business be it a startup or a MNCs every organization needs a PHP developer.  A website is a gateway of every organization in the IT world, so they need PHP developers as they create creative and efficient solutions. Being an open source and fast speed, PHP is a powerful yet a very basic tool, which is convenient to use. Many companies are using PHP as their language as it can be easily integrated with other databases, can work well with other languages and changes can be made through HTML language which make it more favorable.

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