Home » The Importance of Explainer Video For SEO Strategy

The Importance of Explainer Video For SEO Strategy

by ideaschedule
Best SEO Strategy

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an essential strategy, especially for businesses engaged in digital marketing. SEO will increase the ranking of a website on search pages such as Google to be more easily found and known by many people.

When it comes to SEO, most people focus on optimizing the articles written on their website. SEO also applies to multimedia content such as explainer videos.

In today’s digital and visual era, explainer videos can be a reliable tool to increase the credibility of a website and attract the attention of more visitors.

Come on, let’s find out!

What Are Explainer Videos?

Before we get to the heart of the matter, it’s imperative to know what a real explainer video is.

An explainer video is a type of video that tends to be short, and businesses use it as a marketing medium because of its to-the-point and straightforward nature.

Usually, explainer videos are no longer than 2 minutes and mostly use animated videos to provide more exciting and easy-to-follow explanations.

How Can Explainer Videos Increase Website Ranking?

After we know what an explainer video is, below are some of the roles of these types of videos to increase the ranking of your website on Google search pages.

#1. Explainer Videos More Interested

Today, videos are one of the most sought-after and in-demand content. Internet users prefer to watch videos to earn money instead of reading articles as they are more visually appealing. No wonder more than 5 billion videos are watched on YouTube every day!

By making explainer videos, you can attract the attention of more internet users. This way, it will be easier for you to increase traffic. The more traffic you get, the greater the credibility of your website.

Here, a credible website has a greater chance of occupying the top position on the search page.

#2. Accessible to Share Explainer Videos

It only takes a few clicks to spread an explainer video on social media and other digital platforms. Videos are also content that is easy to share and go viral.

Because they are easier to distribute, explainer videos can be your mainstay content to reach more audiences who will potentially become visitors to your website.

#3. Explainer Videos Increase Engagement

Explainer videos are not only reliable in attracting the attention of internet users, but this type of video can also increase the level of engagement on your website.

By creating and uploading explainer videos on your website, visitors will spend more time on the web page. Therefore, explainer videos can increase dwell time and decrease bounce rate.

The lower the bounce rate you have, the more potential you get to boost your website ranking.

#4. Expand Your Reach

One of the goals of creating an explainer video is for conversion. By watching this type of video, the audience will find it easier to accept the message you convey so that it is hoped that it will be easier to buy or use the products or services that you offer.

To help your product or service expand your reach and appeal to broader prospects, you can use a sales video. It only took a few seconds for your audience to watch and you’re ready to make your spread like wildfire. On this point, you have to be smart to put your video on the right channel. Make sure you understand enough about the policies on each video hosting or social media. YouTube policies are not strict, you can publish your video safely there.

Because the more people watch your video, the higher chances you have to convert them.

The final word

Explainer videos are known for conveying complex information in a short amount of time—no wonder this type of video is the mainstay of businesses. Every marketer will give their message and attract the attention of more internet users.

Explainer videos can also help you optimize your website to make it easier to find, whether with a keyword search or being on the first page of a search engine.

From the three points above, it is clear that to compete in today’s digital era, you need an explainer video and upload it on your website or social media profile.

Author Bio

Andre Oentoro is the founder of Breadnbeyond, an award winning explainer video company. He helps businesses increase conversion rates, close more sales, and get positive ROI from explainer videos (in that order).

Twitter: @breadnbeyond

Email: andre@breadnbeyond.com

LinkedIn: Andre Oentoro

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