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The 3 Main Steps to Take to Get Rid of Pests

by ideaschedule
Get Rid of Pests

If you’re experiencing issues with pests in your home, you’re going to need to take some steps to reduce pest issues inside your house. However, many people don’t know how they can effectively reduce their pest control concerns in general. If you’re experiencing issues with a pest infestation and you want to get rid of creepy crawlers, here are three steps you can take to do just that.

1. Stop Pests from Coming Inside

The first step to getting rid of pests is simply to stop pests from coming inside in the first place. That means sealing up all entrances from the outdoors into your home. You may need to cover up cracks in your home’s foundation and walls if any exist, cover up crawl space vents, and encapsulate your crawl space.

It’s also a good idea to invest in rubber trim for doors and windows, as even fairly small openings in doors and windows can allow pests inside. If you can see any light around a door when it’s closed, that door has openings large enough for pests to get inside. Completely stopping this process may be more difficult than it seems, but rubber trim can be a great starting point.

2. Remove Pests from Inside the Home

You might think that hiring an exterminator or using traps to remove pests should be the first step, but that may be misguided. As a matter of fact, stopping pests from coming inside is more important than removing the ones that are already inside. After all, if you hire an exterminator, then take the steps necessary to keep pests from coming inside, it’s possible that some pests could enter the home in the interim. Instead, it’s a better idea to stop the influx of pests, then get rid of the ones you have.

Whether or not you hire a professional will depend on the extent of the problem and what pests you’re having problems with specifically. Some pests may be avoidable with just an at-home pest trap, or even a DIY pest trap, while some may need help from a professional exterminator. If you’re ever uncertain, it’s never a bad idea to contact an exterminator and get an evaluation.

3. Protect Your Basement and Crawl Space

Lastly, you need to put some attention toward protecting your basement and crawl space. For most people, a basement and crawl space is damp, warm, quiet, and undisturbed, which means it’s the perfect place for a pest infestation. Whether you have a basement or a crawl space, this is where pests can really thrive, and it’s important that you reduce pest issues with your basement and crawl space as much as possible.

In general, this means removing any entrances for pests, which include crawl space vents and cracks in your foundation, and dehumidifying the area so that pests aren’t attracted by moisture. This will help you reduce issues with pests, but it’ll also generally increase the health of your crawl space or basement, which will be very beneficial in the long run.


Pests are a problem that just about every homeowner struggles with, but just because you’re struggling with it doesn’t mean that you’re destined to struggle with it forever. These three steps will go a long way toward making sure that you don’t deal with creepy crawlers in your home. By putting just a bit of time, money, and attention into your home, you can make sure that it’s as pest-free as possible.

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