Home » How To Properly Mix Two Different Essential Oils?

How To Properly Mix Two Different Essential Oils?

by ideaschedule
essential oils
essential oils

We can mix the essential oils to add fragrance in perfumes, body butter, skin scrubs, and many more.

The process of mixing the essential oil is a fun-filled activity because you will get your hands on different fragrances and substances.

You should start the process by mixing the essential oils to get an amazing fragrance. You have to dilute the essential oils by mixing them with carrier oil or alcohol so that you can apply them to the skin.

After properly mixing them, you can use the essential oils for a long time.

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1.Choose Your Scent

We can use the different types of fragrances to get rid of various types of problems. You should choose the type of fragrance that you want.

There are so many categories of essential oil scents. The essentials of one category mix well with the other oil of the same category.

You can also mix essential oils from different categories. They recommend that you should do experiments with different types of scents. The different categories of essential oils are Earthy, Floral, Herbal, Minty, Spicy, Citrus, and many more.

2.Select the Notes

We can describe the notes in the essential oil as the time duration taken by the essential oil for evaporation. Usually, the top notes evaporate quickly as compared to the base notes.

If you want that your essential oils can generate a good fragrance for a long time, then you should select a good base note that perfectly integrates with both middle and top notes.

3.Text the Mixture

You should test the mixture before completely mixing two different essential oils. You should dip one cotton swab into two different essential oils.

After that, you should consider using one swab from each bottle. You should hold both cotton swabs at least one foot away from your nose. You should move the cotton swabs in the air.

It will let you know what kind of fragrance you will get after mixing these two specific essential oils. If you do not like this mixture, then you can try this process with other types of essential oils. The tea rose oil is a perfect blend and it is used for various purposes. 

4.Mix Different Oils

After finding the perfect blend of two different essential oils, you should start mixing them. You should take a dropper for mixing purposes.

With the help of a dropper, you should measure the amount of base, top, and middle notes. You should take a clean bowl and start mixing the two different essential oils. If you are not sure how much to mix, then you should read the rules.

  • 30-50-20 rule: As per this rule, you should add 30% of the top note, 50% of the middle note of the essential oils, and 20 % of the base notes.
  • 1-2-3 Rule: If you add one drop of base notes, then you should add two drops of middle note with the same dropper, and add three drops of the top note.

5.Carrier Oil

Once you have properly mixed various essential oil, then you should add carrier oil or a diluting agent with this blend.

It is important to dilute the mixture of essential oils so that you can apply it to your skin. The essential oils highly concentrate and they can lead to a negative impact if you will apply them directly to your skin.

6.Mix with Dispersing Agent

If you do not want to use the essential oil directly on your skin, then you should add the essential oil with the dispersing agents.

They use dispersing agents when you want to use the essential oil while bathing. The dispersing agent will help to spread the oil while taking a bath.

The vegetable oils can be used as dispersing agents. You should choose only those vegetable oils which are lighter and have more liquid viscosity.

Some dispersing agents that can be used for mixing with the essential oil are Honey, Milk, Jojoba Oil, and Sweet Almond Oil

7.Mix with Alcohol

If you want to use the essential oil for fragrance in the perfumes, then you have to mix them with the alcohol.

It is one of the most preferred diluting agents. While mixing the essential oil with the alcohol, you should mix 15 drops of essential oil with half-ounce of alcohol.

8.Completing Your Blend

You should precisely determine the proportions of different ingredients. Once you have a mixture of two different essential oils, the next thing to do is adding carrier oil with the essential oil blend.

Once the blend is completed, you should transfer the mixture to the bottle. After that, you should wait for a few days. You should give some time to set down essential oil.

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