Home » Everything about checks in QuickBooks- create, modify, print, and more

Everything about checks in QuickBooks- create, modify, print, and more

by ideaschedule
Everything about checks in QuickBooks

Cheques are very convenient when you have to pay a huge sum of money.it is one of the modes of transactions.

There is one drawer and payee. Owner issues the check in the name of the payee.

With the help of a check, you can deposit or withdraw a huge sum very easily. There are many types of checks.

Let us discuss types of checks and then we will see how you can create, modify and print a check-in QuickBooks.

QuickBooks has this feature of creating, printing and recording any types of cheque with no time.

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Types of cheques

These are different types of cheques –

1. Blank Cheque

When a cheque is issued to a payee without filing any amount, it is called a blank cheque. The owner has full trust in the payee and the payee can fill the amount as per his requirement.

2. Order Cheque

When you write an “ORDER” on the cheque or you omit “ or Bearer”, it is called an Order cheque. You just transfer this check to a related person, he signs it and withdraws the money.

3. Bearer Cheque

When a check is issued in the name of the bearer , it is called a bearer cheque. It is risky is cheque gets lost.

4. Stale Cheque

  When you produce any signed cheque after a long period of time , it is called a stale cheque.

5. Post-dated Cheque

A cheque issued for the future is called a post  dated cheque.

6. Open /Uncrossed Cheque

A cheque which is payable to any bank counter is called Open Cheque.

7. Self Cheque

When bearer with “self” on the cheque instead the name of any other then it is called self cheque. Bearer uses this cheque to get money for himself from the related account.

8. Crossed Cheque

When the bearer draws a parallel line one the top right corner of the cheque, it is called crossed cheque.

How to buy checks in QuickBooks/

If you want to buy a check from QuickBooks , follow these steps.

1. Selection of cheque

QuickBooks offers you 3 types of cheques, Voucher, Standard, and wallet. Choose the cheque according to your requirement.

2. Choose your provider

There are lots of providers or vendors available online like Intuit, Vistaprint, Costco, choose according to your budget and business.

3. Customize your cheque

You can customize your cheque according to your business. Like you can add the logo of your business or change the color of the cheque.

4. Place your order

 Now place your order. Fill in all the details asked at the time of placing the order. And your cheque will be delivered within a span of given time.

How to write a check in Quickbooks?

In QuickBooks , you can easily write a check by following these steps  –

  • Open QuickBooks and select Banking.
  • Then click on the write check.
  • A window appears, filling in the details.
  • Enter a bank account. And enter the name of the payee.
  • Enter date and amount.
  • If you want to print, then click on print.
  • Otherwise , click on save.

How to record checks in QuickBooks?

  1. Open your QuickBooks and select banking. When you select banking a drop-down list appears, click on write check.
  2. When you click on the written check, it will show you your accounts, choose the account.
  3. After choosing an account, it asks for a check id, enters it, and proceeds.
  4. When you proceed, it gives you two options, prints now and prints later.
  5. Click on Print later.
  6. It displays a window, where you have to fill in all the details of your check.
  7. Click on Record, and you can record your check.

How to modify checks in QuickBooks?

Steps for modifications in checksv-

  • Go to the Banking.
  • Select edit.
  • Refill the data and click on save.
  • They will modify Your check.

Print a check-in QuickBooks

After creating a check , now it is time to take out the print. But before printing out we have to set up the print setup.

Check your printing setup

  • Insert some papers in the printer.
  • Select new.
  • Click on print checks.
  • Select print setup.
  • Select the type of check( voucher or standard).
  • Click on preview , if setup is ok then proceed for further action.

Take out the print

 When you completely satisfied with the printer setup. Proceed for print. Here you get two options 1). Print later 2). To Print now.

  1. Print Later – if you want to delay the printing of your check then click on this option.
  2. Print Now – if you immediately want a print, click on this.


We have tried to explain to you how QuickBooks makes your task easy. One software can handle all your accounting jobs. When you become used to this software, all these tasks no longer bother you.

Whenever you are buying checks from QuickBooks, there is a customer number. You can call on that number and get the answer to all your queries regarding QuickBooks.

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