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Blood Testing: Important Facts to Know

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Blood Tests Explained

Defining blood tests

The blood contains substances that medically require measurement to know if they are within healthy limits. These include proteins, chemicals, cells, plus other materials. A blood test measures the quantity of these substances. Interestingly, blood tests are one of the commonest laboratory procedures. They feature in routine medical checkups and have other important uses like:

  • To diagnose some health conditions and illnesses
  • To keep severe conditions like diabetes under check
  • To determine how functional a disease treatment is
  • To see how well body organs like the kidney, thyroid gland, heart, and liver are functioning
  • To detect problems with bleeding or clotting
  • To assess the performance of your immune system against infectious diseases

What blood test types are there?

Several blood tests are available. The common types are:

  1. Complete Blood Count (CBC): This test is termed “complete” because it measures vital blood components, including red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, and hemoglobin.Patients often receive a complete blood count during routine health checkups.
  2. Basic Metabolic Panel (BMP): This group of tests measures the chemicals responsible for various metabolic processes in the body, including calcium, glucose, and electrolytes.
  3. Blood Enzyme Tests: These tests measure substances called enzymes, which regulate chemical reactions in the body. Blood enzyme tests are of different types. Common types of these tests include creatine kinase and troponin tests. The heart condition is what these tests check for, like heart attack and heart muscle condition.
  4. Blood Tests for Heart Disease Detection: These tests identify issues affecting the heart, including triglyceride and cholesterol levels.
  5. Blood Clotting Tests: These tests identify potential issues that can lead to excessive clotting or bleeding. They are also known as coagulation panels.

What Does a Blood Test Involve?

A blood test involves taking a sample of your blood to check for the presence of any impurities. This process is known as a blood draw, and the blood is typically drawn from the blood vessels or veins—a procedure called venipuncture.

Venipuncture Procedure

During venipuncture, a phlebotomist uses a small needle to draw blood from a selected vein in your arm. They gently insert the needle into the vein, allowing a small amount of blood to flow into an adjoining vial. You might feel a stinging sensation as the needle pricks your skin. The blood draw typically takes about five minutes, after which the phlebotomist labels the sample for laboratory testing.

Venipuncture is the standard method for drawing blood and is commonly used in clinics and laboratories.

Alternative Blood Testing Methods

There are several other ways to conduct blood tests, including:

Finger Prick Test

As the name implies, this test involves pricking the tip of a finger to obtain a small quantity of blood. At-home test kits and rapid tests often use this method. Finger prick tests are convenient and provide quick results, requiring minimal special equipment.

Heel Stick Test

This test is commonly performed on newborns. The procedure includes cleaning the baby’s heel with alcohol, pricking it with a small needle, and allowing a few drops of blood to drip. The puncture site is then bandaged. A doctor or nurse typically performs this test.

Arterial Blood Test

An arterial blood test measures the level of oxygen in the blood. Since venous blood contains less oxygen than arterial blood, this test is conducted by drawing blood from an artery rather than a vein. Patients may experience sharp pain when the needle penetrates the artery.

How should I get ready for this test?

Many times, blood tests require no preparation. But there are cases where you are asked not to eat or drink in preparation for the blood test. Consult your doctor to know if there are any special instructions you must adhere to for blood tests.

Is blood test risky?

For tests like venipuncture and finger prick, the risk is highly minimal. Venipuncture may present a little discomfort or bruise at the puncture site; however, many symptoms do disappear very fast.

The heel stick test carries minimal risk for babies. They may feel a slight pinch from the heel prick, and a small bruise might appear at the puncture site.

Drawing blood from an artery typically causes more discomfort than drawing from a vein. However, this procedure usually does not lead to complications. You might experience some tenderness, bleeding, or bruising at the puncture site. It’s also advisable to avoid lifting heavy objects for a day after the test.

What else should you know?

lood tests provide relevant information about your health. However, they do not offer all the details necessary for a complete diagnosis. A blood test is just one component; healthcare providers often require additional tests to accurately diagnose a health condition. Contact us for a Blood test in London.

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Lopa Dutt October 10, 2022 - 8:34 am

Hi, thanks for sharing this blog. Blood testing could be more informative.


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