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Thyroid: Interesting Facts to Know

by ideaschedule
Thyroid disease symptoms and treatment

The thyroid gland plays a vital role in the body by producing hormones essential for metabolism. When the thyroid doesn’t function properly, it can lead to thyroid disease, which encompasses various conditions such as hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Understanding thyroid disease symptoms and treatment options is crucial for maintaining overall health.

 What’s thyroid?

Thyroid gland is the tiny organ in front of neck. It is surrounded by windpipe (trachea). It is much identical to butterfly, small with 2 wide wings at throat side. Being a gland, thyroid is there all over the body where it can release and create substances that assisting the body to perform certain important functions.

 What is the function of thyroid?

Thyroid is essential for releasing hormone to control metabolism. It refers to the process in which food will convert into energy to use by the body. Thyroid accompanied by several other hormones controls metabolism. They are T4 and T3. Everything will supervise by pituitary gland and if there is anything abnormal it starts excreting own hormone namely TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) for normalising the body.

 What’s thyroid disease?

Thyroid disease symptoms and treatment vary depending on whether you are experiencing hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. Both conditions can have significant effects on your well-being.

Even you can feel nervous too quickly. On another flip, thyroid makes less amount of hormone and this refers to hypothyroidism. As a result you will gain weight and can’t bear cold temperatures. Sometimes, it also passes through families.

 Who will affect by thyroid disease?

Thyroid is able to affect anyone (people of any ages). But you are highly prone to thyroid if:

  • There is family history of thyroid
  • You have any medical issue like pernicious anaemia, primary adrenal insufficiency, Type 1 diabetes, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, Turner syndrome and Sjögren’s syndrome
  • You are taking medication which has higher iodine content
  • You are above 60 and female
  • You sought treatment for cancer or past thyroid condition

 What results in thyroid disease?

As 2 kinds of thyroid diseases are there- hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism there are certain aspects which affect both of these.

Conditions for hypothyroidism are:

  • Thyroiditis
  • Hashimoto’s thyroiditis
  • Postpartum thyroiditis
  • Iodine deficiency
  • A non-functioning thyroid gland

Conditions for hyperthyroidism are:

  • Grave’s disease
  • Nodules
  • Thyroiditis
  • Excessive iodine

 Can you develop thyroid disease if there is diabetes?

Type 1 diabetes is autoimmune disorder and so there is a high chance to develop thyroid disease. With type 2 you are less prone to it but regular testing is important.

The following tips are useful for the people with both thyroid and diabetes:

  • Take proper sleep
  • Exercise daily
  • Monitor the diet
  • Take the medications as instructed
  • Perform the test regularly

What are symptoms of thyroid disease?

After having thyroid disease you can experience a number of symptoms. Most of them are identical to other medical issues and phases. Moreover, depending on the symptoms you are experience doctor will determine whether you are having hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism.

Recognizing thyroid disease symptoms and treatment options can help you seek medical attention promptly.

Symptoms of hyperthyroidism are:

  • Eye irritation and vision problem
  • Heat sensitivity
  • Stopping of menstrual cycle and irregular menstrual periods
  • Feeling tremors and muscle weakness
  • Goitre and extended thyroid gland
  • Losing weight
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Nervousness, irritability and anxiety

Symptoms of hypothyroidism are:

  • Cold temperature intolerance
  • Having hoarse voice
  • Coarse and dry hair
  • Heavy and frequent menstrual periods
  • Forgetfulness
  • Weight gain
  • Feeling extremely tired

Can thyroid make your hair fall?

Excessive hair loss is major thyroid disease symptom mainly for hypothyroidism. Contact with the healthcare provider if you experience hair loss.

Can thyroid cause seizure?

Mostly, thyroid doesn’t lead to seizures. But in case of heavy hypothyroidism with no diagnose and treatment there is a high chance of low serum sodium. As a result you can suffer from seizures.

 How thyroid is diagnosed?

Thyroid disease is really tough to diagnose as symptoms can confuse you with other conditions. But specific private thyroid tests in UK are there to determine whether the symptoms are happening because of thyroid or not. These are:

  • Blood tests
  • Imaging tests
  • Physical examsProper diagnosis of thyroid conditions is essential for effective thyroid disease symptoms and treatment. Blood tests can help determine the exact nature of the disorder, allowing for tailored treatment plans.

 Blood tests

Blood test is the most definitive way for diagnosing the thyroid problem. This assists the doctor to know whether thyroid gland functions properly or not. Blood tests can detect both of its types along with the disorders it may lead to!

The blood tests need for thyroid diagnose are:

  • TSH (Thyroid-stimulating hormone)
  • T4: Thyroxine
  • FT4: Free T4 or free thyroxine
  • T3: Triiodothyronine
  • FT3: Free T3 or free triiodothyronine

Sometimes, these tests alone cannot help you. In such instances you should consult with the doctor to know which additional tests will help you.

Some of the additional tests you may need are:

  • Thyroid antibodies
  • Calcitonin
  • Thyroglobulin

 Imaging tests

Imaging test like thyroid scan is also helpful in several instances. By this way the provider will check the growth, shape and sizes of the thyroid. They may also use ultrasound to transfer sound waves of high-frequency through ear to body tissues. It doesn’t use any radiation. Basically, no preparation is involved for this test and it will take just 20-30 minutes to finish.

Physical exam

Undergoing physical to figure out if there is thyroid disease gets very popular. It is completely painless and simple just your doctor will check the neck to observe the enlargement and growths of thyroid.

How to treat thyroid?

Depending on thyroid condition, doctor will provide you treatments for controlling the level of thyroid hormone. Some treatment options are:

  • Anti-thyroid drugs (methimazole and propylthioracil): These stop the thyroid from secreting hormones.
  • Radioactive iodine: It destroys thyroid cells so that higher level of hormone is not able to secrete.
  • Beta blockers: Instead of changing the hormone amount in body it manages the symptoms.
  • Surgery: This treatment is permanent as it will cut the thyroid from the body to resist the secretion of hormones. But you have to take replacement hormones of thyroid for lifelong.

If the patient suffers from below average thyroid hormone level (hypothyroidism) then the following treatment option is the only way:

  • Thyroid replacement medication: It is man-made and synthetic way for adding thyroid hormone into the body. By this way, you will be able to manage the disease and lead a healthier life.

What are different kinds of thyroid removal surgery?

On visiting the doctor, they will determine the right procedure to remove the thyroid. A couple of ways are there to do so! Either thyroid needs to remove partially or completely. It relies on condition severity. But the most common thyroidectomy takes place in 2 ways:

  • With incision in front of neck
  • With incision in armpit

Consult with the doctor to know the most suitable one for you. They will consider a number of factors to determine the appropriate ways for you.

How much time needs for recovery from thyroid surgery (thyroidectomy)?

After you performed thyroidectomy, a couple of weeks will take by the body for recovery. Meanwhile, you must avoid:

  • Submerging the incision in water
  • Carrying the object that weighs over 15 pounds
  • Doing any exercise

Follow the instructions for 2 weeks and get back to your daily chores again.

When the tiredness will go away after removal of thyroid?

After surgery, you will be on medication to relieve the symptoms. As the hormone is there in the body post removal surgery you can feel tired. Basically, the hormone will be there for 2-3 weeks.

Moreover, medication will promote the secretion. So, there is nothing to worry about. Body needs some time for healing. But if you experience symptoms of thyroid disease and fatigue post-surgery then consult with the doctor.

Can other part make enough thyroid hormone to cut off medication after surgery?

Doctor can only remove a specific part of thyroid and leave other parts enabling them to secrete thyroid hormone. This will be your option if there is nodule that causes thyroid issue. After surgery, most patients can produce sufficient thyroid hormone with no hormone replacement therapy.

Is it possible to check thyroid at home?

An easy and quick self-exam is possible to check thyroid from the comfort of your home. All you need a glass full of water and a mirror and start with the following tips:

  • Locate the thyroid. Mostly, it is located in neck within the Adam’s apple and collar bone. In men, it is more prominent. Women should find it out from collar bone easily.
  • Tilt your head back and look in mirror and observe the neck while trying to hone in space.
  • Now take the glass of water by keeping the head tilted. While swallowing the water, check for bumps or lumps. You can easily see it.

If there is any bump or lump contact to the healthcare provider without further delay.

Can a patient exercise after thyroid exercise?

Daily exercise for a specific time period is pivotal for healthy lifestyle. There is no need of changing the routine in case you are diagnosed with thyroid disease. Although it cannot drain the thyroid hormone from the body yet it causes no harm at all. The best you can do is consult with the doctor prior to include any new regime that suits you.

Is it possible to have normal life with thyroid disease?

Thyroid disease is long-term medical ailment that needs consistent management. It may include daily medication. Only your doctor with your help can monitor the treatments making necessary arrangements with time. But, you can enjoy normal life while having thyroid disease. You may consume some time in determining the most suitable treatment options. Moreover, you can live without more restrictions.

Whenever you are experiencing something unusual with the body, it is better to perform the check up by the doctor. When suspecting thyroid disease, you can consult with your private GP in London to seek right treatment on time.

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