Home » Signs of Tooth Infection That Require Immediate Attention

Signs of Tooth Infection That Require Immediate Attention

by ideaschedule

People can be irresponsible sometimes when it comes to their teeth health. Ignoring dental visits or not taking care of your teeth can lead to severe problems in future.

Understand the signs of tooth infection that need immediate attention from your dentist.

Tooth Infection: Types And Signs

Untreated cavities, injuries or old dental work can cause tooth infections.

If you get treatment on time you can get relief from pain and severe dental problems. Sometimes the situation can get worse and it can result in losing a tooth.

Don’t let this go that far. Get dentist advice today and must visit for regular checkups.

Gum disease or gum infection can also lead to tooth infection.

Types Of Tooth Infection

Although there are many types of tooth infections, we will discuss some common types of tooth infections:


The early stage of gum disease or gingivitis is caused by plaque buildup on the teeth. This can produce toxins and irritate the gums. Red, swollen and bleeding gums can be the result of this.

Periodontal Disease

An advanced stage of gum disease can occur when gingivitis is left untreated, called periodontal disease. Periodontitis is another name for periodontal disease.

The bone that supports your teeth and gum tissue will get damaged, leading to tooth loss. If you leave periodontal disease untreated, infection will spread and target other parts of your body.

Tooth Abscess

A tooth abscess is an extremely painful tooth infection. It is a pocket of puss, that can be formed in different parts of a tooth.

A bacterial infection that enters the nerve of the tooth through a cavity or gum disease can form an abscess. Severe toothaches with fever, sensitivity to hot and cold and pain are the signs of a tooth abscess.

Dental Caries

Dental caries or tooth decay is a common tooth infection. When bacteria in your mouth start producing acid it can damage the enamel on your teeth.

If you get treatment at an early stage, it can be reversed. But if left untreated, tooth loss will occur.

Signs Of Tooth Infection: Immediate Dentist Attention Required

“You may notice some signs and can ignore them.” This is not a way to deal with problems.

Some signs are signals that you require the immediate attention of a dentist. Take a look at those signs and take action immediately:

1.     Fever

“Tooth infection and fever?” Yes, a tooth infection can spread over other parts of the body and when it does your body’s immune system gets affected. It can result in fever. Fever accompanied by chills and sweating, can indicate that your infection has now reached a severe stage.

Your body’s high temperature is a sign that the immune system is fighting with the infection and now it needs specialized attention before it can get even worse.

2.     Lymph Node Swelling

Lymph nodes in the neck and jaw area can be caused when the infection spreads. The area will become swollen and tender.

In your body’s immune response, lymph nodes play an important role and become enlarged as they work to fight infections. Infection is spread and now you need to pay attention to it.

3.     Headaches

As the infection grows it starts affecting the surrounding tissues. Sinuses and bones of the skull are included. You can face headaches, migraines and dizziness. A sense of heaviness and pressure can be felt.

4.     Rapid Heart Rate

In some severe cases, the infection will spread to the bloodstream leading to increased heart rate and blood pressure.

Seek emergency medical care if you experience an increased heart rate or blood pressure. These signs cannot be ignored.

Why Should I Visit For Regular Dental Checkups?

The importance of dental checkups must not be left unheard. Here are the reasons:

  • Dentists will detect the signs of problems and will treat those problems in the early stages. This will help you prevent from facing serious problems.
  • Professional cleanings will remove plaque and tartar buildup. If left untreated these can cause gum disease and serious infection.
  • The dentist will check swelling, lumps or other complications (if any).
  • You can get the best advice from a dentist for your oral hygiene.
  • Avoid expensive dental treatments by detecting the problems early.
  • Some issues can be hard to see with the naked eye, but X-rays can help.

If you want expensive, hectic and painful tasks then it is your choice. If you want to avoid these, visit regular dental checkups.


People take some things for granted and then regret them. Do not let this happen to your health. Your beautiful smile is your identity, do not let tooth infection steal this. Signs that you must pay attention to are mentioned above.

Get treated at the right time with the right dentist. You can go for dental care near me and start your healthy oral hygiene today

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