Whatever type of writer you may be, you experience the writer’s block sometimes. What is it? It’s a time of dispiritedness, disinterest and detachment from your desire to write or to at least think of writing. You do not feel enthusiastic about creating content or telling stories. You are already sitting down in front of your laptop, and your hands are ready to type, however, your mind is interrupted by that lack of energy and drive to write. This is the writer’s block.
It’s hard. It’s annoying. Definitely, it never helps writers in finishing their stories or meeting their deadlines. You get stuck and trapped in the first sentence or on a blank page. Often, it is very frustrating, but you really cannot complain because the writer’s block visits at some point.
But the good news is that it’s not a hopeless case! Just because you have it does not mean you should just accept the fact that you will be missing due dates and failing work assignments. There are healthy ways for you to tear down the wall that clogs your mind and your productivity!
Check out these 8 tips to regain motivation to write whenever you are struggling with the writer’s block!
1 – Pause writing.

Many people think that the only solution to attain motivation is to keep pushing forward. Well, in many instances, that is true and effective. Particularly when you are catching deadlines, it’s probably the only choice.
However, the truth is that grinding and forging ahead is not always the best strategy. To knock the writer’s block down, sometimes, you have to slow down and pause writing too.
Do not force yourself too hard. Do not beat yourself up. The mental blocks you are experiencing could be because of overloaded information and emotions. Making headway all the time might add to your stress, making your performance poor instead of excellent.
Stand up from your thinking chair and writing desk. Relax and rest from writing for a while. Give yourself time to refresh and recharge your head. This winding down will give you a boost and build up your momentum to write again.
2 – Watch new movies and your favorite shows.

When you feel like you have no fresh ideas or are running out of imaginativeness, watch new movies and shows. Consider them as wells of inspiration, which will aid you in coming up with brighter and better topics, stories and outputs.
Watch your favorite shows. They make you feel good, feed you information and drive you to be curious. Also choose those that bring laughter to you and that de-stress you. Release those lazy feelings. When you are enjoying and light-hearted, you can write comfortably and happily.
3 – Listen to music.

Music has loads of benefits to one’s health, including making you active and awake. When the writer’s block turns you into a slack and sluggish writer, listen to good music. Listen to your favorite playlists. It entertains you and keeps you focused while feeling untroubled.
Music has an impact on human’s emotional processes too, so when you are having a tiring and dreary writer’s block, music can help you get up little by little. Danceable songs and those that make you move set you in a good mood. Furthermore, they increase your confidence which is essential for you to write again!
4 – Exercise your body.

The mind and the body are connected to each other. The other affects the other. When you struggle with the writer’s block, and your brain can’t really do something about it, let your body handle it.
Physical exercises enrich your mental well-being. They allow you to clear your mind from negativity and fill it with positivity. Aside from the fact that working out is enjoyable, through it, you develop discipline, which applies not just in exercising but also in all your life’s activities.
Visit a gym, or choose a workout space at home. Grab that exercise equipment. Dance to the music. Stretch out, and sweat off. Exercising activates your body and strengthens your mind. You’ll be excited to write again after making time to exercise.
5 – Create visual arts and crafts with your hands.

Surround yourself with art that magnifies cheerful moods and peaceful atmospheres. Create visual arts and crafts with your hands. Keep your hands at work with coloring materials and DIY handicrafts. They’re not just for kids but for everyone. Your creativity is enhanced while you have a good time!
6 – Declutter and redecorate your workspace.

The environment has a crucial role in writers’ verve to do their job. An unpleasant or inappropriate area could contribute to the writer’s block. Distractions that never help are around.
With that, declutter and redecorate your workspace. Clean and sanitize your writing zone. Throw away unnecessary items. Add new decors. Personalize your writer’s station. Keep the designs interesting and appealing to you. Place your favorite stuff in front of your table. They can serve as your inspiration while writing.
7 – Talk with a family member or friend.

One of the things that possibly makes the work of writers draining at some point is the fact that most of the time, they write and not speak. They don’t get to really interact, socialize and speak with others whenever they do their tasks as writers. This can cause the writer’s block.
Overcome it by making time to talk with a family member or friend. At home, avoid staying in your bedroom alone; spend time with your family. Catch up, and bond. Share thoughts, and update each other about personal lives. Call friends, and meet up. Have fun!
Through this, you gain inspiration from people’s lives, and you also get to loosen up and chill out. If you’re stressed with the writer’s block or generally with your job, it’s nice to have someone listening to your rants and frustrations. Venting out can make way for you to start the engine to write again.
8 – Take a social media break.

Although there’s endless news and information that you get from social media, sometimes, it becomes a heavy burden and bothersome distraction. While you’re always on your phone and staying on social media, sometimes, you just want to stay there. You don’t notice the amount of time you’ve already been spending online, and when you do, you don’t feel like writing anymore.
This could be blocking your motivation to write. Take a social media break. Live life outside the Internet. See the world with your own eyes, not only the screen in front of your face everyday. Eventually, you’ll be ready to write again.
The job of writers, especially creative writers and content writers, is not easy. You can say it is truly difficult. All their ideas come from their own creativity, originality and manners of delivery. The mind is always necessarily at work, literally and figuratively. The cycle of coming up with topics, thinking, reading, doing research, writing and also publishing tires out the mind and sometimes the heart too. No one can blame the brain when it sometimes gets exhausted and lackluster. That’s why the writer’s block exists.
Writers, you can do and must do something to overcome that obstacle specifically defying writers. When you are losing motivation, you need some boost or some rest to keep going. Know your limits, and observe them, so you can healthily manage your mental capacity too. Never feel guilty about giving yourself a break and a time to unwind. Get inspiration somewhere else away from the keyboard or from your pen and paper.
The writer’s block is huge and tough, but there’s a way out! Beat the block!
Nicole Ann Pore is a writer, an events host and a voice over artist. She finds quality and well-researched writing as a worthwhile avenue to enlighten and delight others about things that matter. For her, it’s restoring and fulfilling to the heart and a great way to clear the mind while loading it up with fresh learning. Film critiquing and filmmaking are among her interests too. Giving all the glory to God, Nicole graduated Cum Laude from De La Salle University Manila, Philippines with a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Arts.
Nicole Ann Pore is a writer, an events host and a voice over artist. Quality and well-researched writing is her worthwhile avenue to enlighten and delight others about things that matter. She also writes for Fitbiz Exercise Equipment, an excellent source of the ultimate fitness equipment collections in Australia. Nicole graduated Cum Laude from De La Salle University Manila, Philippines with a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Arts.